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Rider 151F hántológyalu - egyenes

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Ár (nettó) : 8 740 Ft
Ár (bruttó) (27 %):
11 100 Ft

egyenes talp és kés
stabil, fém test
lekerekített, kényelmes és precíz munkavégzést biztosító markolat
precízen állítható 54 mm-es, O1 acél HRC63-ra keményített kés

Hossz: 250 mm

súly: 435 g

kés szélesség: 54 mm

This traditional style, Rider spokeshave has a flat sole, designed for cutting and refining convex curves and chamfers. The spokeshave body is ductile cast iron, with a tough black enamel finish. The well-rounded handles and thumb rests offer comfort and control when cutting. Twin knurled adjusting screws control both depth and lateral adjustment of the 55 mm(2.1/8") wide blade. This adjustment allows a very fine setting for delicate work. The O1 steel blade is oil quenched, hardened and tempered to HRC 63, and only requires a little honing before use.

Rider spokeshaves only require the bare minimum of initial preparation. We are confident that our Rider spokeshaves represent a good standard in traditional, quality and great value.

Key Features

  • Flat sole for convex curves and chamfers
  • O1 carbon steel blade hardened and tempered to HRC 63
  • Twin adjusting screws for depth and lateral adjustment
  • Well-rounded handles with thumb rests for comfort and control
  • Ductile cast iron body with tough black enamel finish